The Importance of Protein

50% of your body is built with protein.
It's in every cell. But the lifespan of
the average protein is just 2 days.
So consistent replenishment is key.

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Heavily processed protein causes gas
and bloating. Cheap protein can
trigger allergic reactions. And
incomplete proteins can
zap your energy.

That's why we created
Metabolic Super Protein®.

A high-quality, complete protein your
body can absorb. It's infused with what
your body needs to increase energy, burn
body fat, strengthen muscle, control
hunger and cravings and improve
workout performance.*

3 Reasons a
Daily Dose is Key

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The Importance of Protein

50% of your body is built with protein. It's in every cell.
But the lifespan of the average protein is just 2 days.
So consistent replenishment is key.

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Heavily processed protein causes gas and bloating.
Cheap protein can trigger allergic reactions.
And incomplete proteins can zap your energy.

That's why we created Metabolic Super Protein®.

A high-quality, complete protein your body can absorb.
It's infused with what your body needs to increase energy,
burn body fat, strengthen muscle, control hunger and
cravings and improve workout performance.*

3 Reasons a Daily Dose is Key

metabolic imagemetabolic image Your Ability to Digest Drops

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metabolic imagemetabolic image Your Body Changes

metabolic imagemetabolic image You Need 2x the Protein

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